In Dividu

FITS Performances

Through dance and contact juggling inspired by tai chi, three individuals explore their relationship to others and how to become part of a group. How can we move beyond confrontation? How can we enter into a cooperative relationship and find a form of union, while maintaining our identity? In a dreamlike atmosphere with polyphonic melodies, a three-headed, six-armed juggling act gradually emerges.

Duration of the performance (in minutes): 45
Author: Van-Kim Tran, Cyrille Humen, Zuska Drobna, Eric Longequel
Director: Eric Longequel
Costumes: Eve Ragon
Music: Sylvain Quément, Zuska Drobna, Van-Kim Tran
Cast: Van-Kim Tran, Cyrille Humen, Zuska Drobna
Maximum number of personnel in tour: 5
Special mentions: Quadrifrontal scenic area
COMPANY: Compagnie Monad